my approach
This is a customized app for each high school as well as player. Each high school will have their own playing field or stadium, calendar, game summaries, scoreboard, team iconic graphics, coaches and team members. I designed it to contain specific to each high school's specific colors, banners, graphics, photos, and locations.
mobile screens
Each screen communicated function from game calendar, game stats, team, player, and coach information. But upon user registration, and pre-season photos inserted, individual photos of that registered player show up in backgrounds to personalize the app.
game opener animation
Sports graphics and animation just like the NFL opener, but with the two local team's helmets and graphics march on screen and clash, customized to each games contenders.
Server input screens
The Server has full access to real time updates to scores, game time, game periods, penalties and ball marker input. Upon hitting enter the data is transmitted into the cloud and out to all mobile clients updating within 10 seconds.
client screen
The Client sees the game stats updating every 10 seconds. The design is based on the specific high school field and stadium, their real stadium scoreboard, and helmets. The ball field marker, down #, and yards also update via animation.
mobile design
the challenge
cliente calcio rhs
david wilharm
Produce a mobile application that allows users to follow, in near real time, high school sports games via an app. Game score, field position, and all game stats auto-updating. Build a Server and Client usage to the app. The Server portion controls the input and display for the client portion of the app. Anyone can be a client but there is only one Server updating the data during the game in real time.
copyright 2019